Gift Bags and Guest Blogs

Gift Bags

I am thinking about putting together Little Bags of Loveliness, with stuff sourced from my blog witterings.  I would do different theme bags with sample sizes of products in, so a bathroom one with a little deobalm pot, shampoo bar, a crocheted face cloth, wooden toothbrush, some homemade body scrub etc.  A kitchen one with some soapnuts, coir scrubbing brush and pot scrubber etc; a baby products one with reusable wipes and ingredients for homemade wipe solution etc… (yet to know much about these areas!)  I would like to get it to around £10 but think realistically it would cost around £15.  It would be a great treat to get started with I think… But also they are just lovely things for a present (not just any old tat darlings!)

If anyone is interested or has a product they would like in it pm me?!


Guest Blogs

Do you know things?  Are you confuddled, angry or utterly disinterested – and why?  Are you an expert?  Have you a kind product you would like to share?  Would you like to write something for this ‘ere EcoTykki Blog?!  If so, please do!  PM me, yo.


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