Shampoo Bar Update

Just to say, I had really skanky hair this morning, not having washed it for two whole days.  I thought I would use my lovely Herbal essences, for some reason I had the idea that the froth would make me feel cleaner.  I used my soap bar though because (oh the shame) I have just realised it was at face height on my soap dish.  I would have had to bend down to pick my shampoo off the floor and that is too much to ask.  Too much!  So, out of sheer laziness I used it, it felt way too squeaky clean, but then I brushed it and it was lovely.  And now it is drying a treat and still being clean and lovely.

I just need it to smell!  I love smelly hair.  So next time I will probs go to Lush – they are renowned for their smellyness aren’t they.  Oooh here is a FAB article about shampoo bars by actual Lush  They describe their shampoo bars as being ‘naked’ which while it is a bit too lingo-OTM for my liking, it is actually a perfect way of describing the pleasingness (pleasingality?) of the bar.  You just use it – it is right there, being accessible and easy and naked.

Ooh they also sell travel tins!  YEAH.


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