Razors FYI

OK.  I don’t normally double post but this is really interesting.  I write about everyday plasticky issues on my Plastic Free Truro Facebook page (formerly ecotykki) and how to stop using them.  Today I had to look at razors, which was great because I have always wondered what I am meant to do when my razors run out.  And I discovered safety razors!  Proper old fashioned type razors with actual blades – for ladies!  I was so excited I had to share it here too.  Also found a fantastic lady who writes about all things anti-plastic:  Cellist Goes Green

My post:

Todays Infiltrator is… RAZORS! Ok, step one: do NOT use disposable razors but instead use the disposable cartridges as this at least minimises landfill space and waste… Like a venus ladyshaver. Men obviously can use leccy shavers! Ladies, we have the choice of plastic, plastic, plastic razors, epilating (expensive and time consuming), waxing (not environmentally friendly/recyclable) or being hirsute. (For what it is worth I LOVE anyone who refuses to shave: shaving is ridiculous and completely misogynistic. It means we ladies buy incredibly expensive razors (£8.49 for a classic venus refill razor from Superdrug (£8.25 for 4 refills); shower holders; expensive shaving creams; expensive after-shave moisturisers and all for NO reasonable reason…)  But, personally, I like to shave. And I know most of you do too, so we have to address this (admittedly daft and everso slightly first world) topic. 

So, what are we to do? It is clear that traditional products are all made of crappy plastic.  There is a service that sells razors made out of recycled plastic and then once you are done with it you can send them back for recycling.  We are all for a closed loop here so it looks good.  Well, the product advertises itself as recyclable but I can’t see where we are to send it back to and it costs £6 😦  It is here

Well, finally Cellist Goes Green suggests using a safety razor. WHAT THE… ?!!  These are old school razors made of stainless steel which last forever. Literally. They will not go moldy (like plastic lady shaver handles do!) and they look so classy. This first one is so cool and only £11.99. You only need to replace the blades which are metal (recyclable) and cost £7.99 for… 100! No, really. 100 blades. In comparison, 100 plastic ladyshaver replacements have cost you £159! And this calculation takes bulk buy discounts into consideration which, at your convenience, I bet you haven’t been using – preferring instead to buy as you go (£206). HOLY ****!! (So these people are using a CHEAPER, LESS ROBUST product and selling at us for 25 times the price! WOW!)


This second one is more specifically for ladies (it is pinky) CHROME plated and well, just beautiful!



It is twice the price at £23.99 but it really is lovely. This, 100 blades and free funky shaving soap cost me £30 on Amazon.  I am so very excited about this baby.  I love products and know that anyone who sees it in my bathroom would want one!  Not that anyone goes into my bathroom very often…

Now, it does seem to be a thing that we might want to ‘oil our blades’.  I have olive oil in my bathroom anyway for my homemade baby wipe solution so would just rub a little over the blade – gthis will stop it rusting apparently.  Though it this price I could use a new one every shave (what?!  You do that already?!  Ohhhhhh… *sits on mucky hands*) and feel like P Diddy for the price of it (reference: he wears new socks every day instead of washing them.  Tw*t.)  How marvellous!

But what do we do about our blades when we have finished with them?  Well, it is suggested that you put them in what is called a ‘blade bank’.  This sounds very exotic and exciting!  Actually there is only one on Amazon – it is £18 and clearly the same as a plain ol’ piggy bank.  So get yourself a nice wee coin jar (and shock the burglers when a fistful of rusty razor blades lands in their grabby maws) OR just use an old tin kept up high and pop your used blades in it when you’re done.  When it is full safely put it out for recycling with your tins or take to a metal recycling place and pop in with the stainless steel.  You could get excitable and post it off to a sharps place too.  Many options!  But not one we have to consider for a while 🙂

I shall post about how it goes when this lovely arrives!


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