My favourite plastic swaps

I have been revisiting blog posts past and I have changed so much!  It is so WEIRD how I have integrated the changes into my life without even noticing.  But what are my favourite swaps?!

  1. My ultimate favourite swap of all time is my Lavender Safety Razor for £23.99

I bought this is February from the link above and haven’t given it a moment’s thought since!  It is a total beauty – it is pretty and doesn’t look a day old.  I bought it with a bulk order of 100 double edged razor blades to put in it for £9.90.

For the princely sum of £23.99 I have a razor that will last me forever and TWO YEARS worth of blades for £9.90.

To compare, a venus razor holder costs £7.99 and 4 venus razor blades from Superdrug costs £8.75 – this adds up to £105 worth of blades a year!  This is a difference of £100, straight into your pocket.

And the shave?!  Excellent.  I was careful with it the first few times – it is heavy and SHARP.  But now I am as speedy and confident as I ever was with the venus blades with their protective shields.  The shave is close and clean and not at all irritating.  If you make one swap THIS has to be it!

2. My second favourite swap is my deodorant.

My deodorants now smell lovely and are as effective as I want them to be!  The natural deo co. is my favourite brand although Ihave come so far I can actually make my own now (!!).  They can be expensive at £11 a jar BUT they last about two months and become a special, thoughtful part of your bathroom cupboard, like moisturisers, perfumes and make-up.  Using this kind of deodorant means you are using a totally natural product, it is moisturising, keeps you clean and dry, can be applied with fingers and therefore reapplied when necessary, and is not plastic.  Those little deodorant balls come out of the tubes and get stuck in marine animals’ throats.  And it is obvious that the sprays are full of crap.  Not nice for anyone to smell or be around after the sprayer has long gone 😉

3.  My third favourite swap of all time is my wooden brush scrubber!  You can shop around but I like these – the scrubber lasts for ever and you can take the bristle head off when its tired and put it in the composting 🙂  Closed loop!


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